Monthly Archives: October 2016

Peace is Possible

It’s difficult to think of world peace and peace between American citizens when we observe the polarization and disdain among people. But, we must keep trying to connect with our neighbors no matter how different we are from them.

At a concert Saturday night, I heard a choir voice a very original, and probably untried, avenue toward peace–cheese. The song was Carmina Ricotta by Eric Barnes and the end of refrain was, “Cheese, the ambassador of peace.” Hmm. Interesting. While my wife and I are at odds about processed cheese, we do agree on  cheddar, the sharper the better. Serve us white cheddar aged for seven years or more!

I came home after the concert and gave the concept some thought. Cheese. Could it be the answer? I think the ultimate comfort food is a toasted cheese sandwich. My wife makes it with super thin bread so the cheese shines through. While ating a toasted cheese sandwich, I am in the moment. How could anyone eating a toasted cheese sandwich have any negative thoughts toward another human being? Highly unlikely!

A vision formed of riding through narrow, rural highways in Wisconsin, looking for the ultimate cheese for peace. From what form of cheddar would Assad and Putin become undone? This is a serious quest, equal to that of the Holy Grail or finding one true sentence Donald Trump has uttered within the last  year.

Cheese. I got more excited as I thought about the possibilities. Who would have thought that the answer to American solidarity and, potentially world peace, was locked away in some refrigerator in Wisconsin?

Not only would cheese have a chance at creating peace, we wouldn’t have to listen to Alex Jones while he was eating cheese sandwiches. And the show, following such a meal, might be full of living kindness.

There have been so many attempts at creating peace, that this avenue deserves consideration. C’mon people, think cheese.

Wisconsin, it’s time to step up.


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