Monthly Archives: April 2016

Super Delegates Must Go

As the campaign process continues, we are becoming more aware of a flawed process. Big money. Lots of it. Glassy-eyed citizens following Donald J. Trump (Washington Post editorial board amazed at this would-be candidate’s lack of understanding on the issues). Strange, VERY strange caucus processes for garnering votes for candidates.

What is beginning to bother me the most is declared delegates and super delegates. The idea of a democracy is not operational with these two categories.

In the case of declared delegates, we can see tallies for the candidates and the caucus or primary hasn’t even taken place yet. So we see Hell-or-high-water delegates already declaring their preferences regardless of the popular vote. They are committed even though something major could happen before voting day.

In the case of  super delegates, we see the party taking self-preservation measures. Never mind The Next Big Thing or a major stumble (or indictment). Officials will be voting for officials. It’s the good ol’ boy system which has everyone hopping mad right now. In the case of Sanders, who is popular and non-traditional, it is a huge uphill battle for him to appeal to his party, even though what Americans are really looking for is “outside the beltway.” The process is rigged, just like big money’s involvement and our representatives being bought and paid for. While the fathers of our nation debated about the people’s ability to govern themselves (don’t think of Trump supporters right now), with our ability to get and interpret the news, we don’t need super delegates skewing the results toward the system which is broken and needs to be reinvented.


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Voter Restrictions

Sixteen Republican-lead states have tougher voter identification laws this year, just in time for the 2016 elections. Scott Walker, a favorite character for my dart board, has lead his state in taking the prize. Wisconsin has the toughest laws in the nation. On CNN today, it was reported that over 330,000 Badgers that have voted previously do not have “proper” id. The reporters in print and on the news channels have underscored that courts looking at fraudulent voting, that would justify the tightening of voting laws, have found little to no identity violations. There is no reason to be tightening laws and every reason to be making it easier for qualified Americans to vote.

As their front runner continues his pied piping with “We’re gonna make America great again!” I scratch my head and ask, “through hypocrisy and exclusion?” The clowns are no longer funny. They drive and sit atop a tragedy. I know plenty of Republicans (good people) that cannot have any ties with the nonsense that is going on. These very decent people have nothing in common with the behavior of their party. They are as unrepresented as the excluded voters who do not have “proper” id.

I saw Uncle Sam yesterday. All he could do was weep.

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