Monthly Archives: May 2013

Coaching the Light

Last night I ate dinner with executive coach Ken Hekman. I asked about the framework that he uses and he was gracious enough to share. Information gathering comes first, using a variety of documents such as DISC. Interviews and goal setting come next. Periodic coaching keeps the process alive. And, finally, the secret sauce is finding others that can provide feedback if personal change is actually happening or not (the accountability piece).

The takeaway on this is that it’s all about drawing out the natural talents of the people being coached. The coach is projecting light. “I am seeing these strengths in you…” Ken quoted Peter Drucker who basically said that if you concentrate on positive traits, negative ones will recede.

I’m still a fan of embracing one’s shadow, but I agree that we should all be looking for people’s innate abilities (I call these abilities gifts) and letting them know what we see. That’s shedding light…

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